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Coming soon: Reporting updates in September 2021

Campaign Manager 360

Creative Start/End Date in Account Timezone

Estimated week of September 6, 2021

  • To provide a more unified user experience with Trafficking,  dimensions and filters will use the account timezone instead of UTC.
  • Reports generated after this change will show different creative start/end dates. Creative filters must be updated to the account timezone to function correctly.

Removal of leading spaces for Rich Media Events

Estimated week of September 6, 2021

  • Leading spaces for Rich Media events will be removed.
  • If you automatically ingest Rich Media Events you may have to adjust scripts to account for the removal of the leading space.

Content Classifier dimension change

Estimated week of September 14, 2021

The Content Classifier dimension will have the following value renamed:

  • "Adult" will be renamed "Sexual"

Display and Video  360

Bids renamed to Bid Responses 

Estimated week of September 6, 2021

  • Currently the “Bid Responses” metric is shown as “Bids” in generated reports. 
  • "Bids" column in generated reports will be updated to “Bid Responses”.

Removing the “App/URL Excluded” dimension

Estimated week of September 6, 2021

  • The “App/URL Excluded” dimension will be removed from report builder.
  • Existing reports that use this dimension will be automatically modified to remove the dimension, and the reports will continue to run.

Updating Creative Source dimension

Estimated week of September 6, 2021

  • The Creative Source dimension will now return “CM360”, “DV360” or “Third Party” as values, to give more information about where the creative is managed.

Expanded filter text in reports

Estimated week of September 6, 2021

  • Type dimensions in reports will show expanded filter text instead of a number.
    • For example, the report will say “Device type filter is ‘Connected TV’”, instead of "Device type filter is 4".

Sensitive Category dimension change

Estimated week of September 14, 2021

The Sensitive Category dimension will have the following value renamed:

  • "Adult" will be renamed "Sexual"

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